Effective Tool Against ADHD
Successful treatment of ADHD is possible even without medication with clinically proven brain training methodology
Your child just got diagnosed with ADHD or ADD?
You need a solution for behavior problems?
Your child has learning difficulties and problems with attention?
You are not sure whether you are facing ADHD or ADD?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can take extremely varied forms in terms of the variation and severity of symptoms
Symptoms of ADHD:
Attention Deficit
Low Self-esteem
Depression, feeling of failure
Mood swings
Hiperactivity (NOT present in ADD)
What is NOT ADHD or ADD?
Bad Parenting
Lack of Motivation
Low Intelligence

What is ADHD?
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a long-term condition with symptoms of hiperactivity, inattentiveness and/or impulsivity. Not all the symptoms are present in all cases, but some of the above symptoms occur throughout the years of childhood and adulthood.
ADHD is a state in which hyperactive behavior, unattentiveness, impuslivity and problems with maintaining concentration for a long period of time is a hardship the person struggles with for years.
Behavioral problems like temper tantrums, meltdowns and struggle with emotional regulation can also be part of the symptoms of ADHD your child may experience.
These symptoms of ADHD are part of a normal human life, everyone can experience them from time to time. The problem lies in the frequency of the symptoms. All of us can forget our book or phone at home, we can all start daydreaming during class or a meeting. When we are stressed, we often fidget and we all make impulsive decisions.
“ADHD is not the presence of these behaviors, but the degree to which they manifest. People with ADHD have an overabundance of these characteristics.”
Dr. Russell Griffiths
Do you think your child is showing these symptoms?
Can attention be improved? Is there a way out of ADHD and ADD?
Good news! Scientific research shows that the attention that causes problem for people with ADHD and ADD is a core cognitive skill that can be improved! Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder has symptoms rooting from other cognitive skills that also can be greatly improved. Improving concentration is possible with research based training programs! 50% of our students successfully stop ADHD medication after completing our cognitive program. BrainRx is an alternative non-medication methodology with high scientific efficiency. The cognitive programs we use bring lasting improvement by rewiring the neural system.
With targeted stimulation of specific parts of the brain – mostly the prefrontal cortex, responsible for attention – all aspects of attention can be developed!

Training Programs in Our Learning Centers
Before we train the specific cognitive functions that are responsible for the symptoms of ADHD, we need to map the exact areas that need further development. The Gibson test is an online assessment formula which successfully targets the underlying causes of ADHD. This cognitive test measures all the skills that cause the symptoms.
After the Gibson test, we choose scientifically proven, highly developing tasks and exercises based on the profile of our student. Every brain training session is carefully tailored to the student, since nobody has the same profile. To create permanent change, we use the scientifically prooven BrainRx brain training program in our learning centers.
Your child is struggling in school because of attention issues? You noticed he cannot focus? Take the first step now!
Please fill out our contact form or call us! We are at your disposal if you have any questions concerning ADHD, ADD or problems with attention.