
Painful and struggling learning is over! There is hope for every child and adult! When core cognitive skills are weak, learning processes are slow and difficult. The BrainRx program is treating the root cause of learning difficulties. With other words, it focuses on the weak core cognitive skills. When core cognitive skills are strong, learning processes are quick, easy and effective – and even fun!

Learning difficulties can be overcome and IQ can be enhanced! BrainRx helps to control ADHD, overcome dyslexia, and proves to be an effective program after stroke or TBI! It helps seniors to slow the symptoms of aging and boost the aging brain! It makes university students and adults effective problem-solvers in such a way that would not have been possible before brain training!

of the results stay after a year
IQ-score gain
0 Day-Long
brain training program
0 Thousand
completed the program successfuly


True Testimonies of our Students, Who Successfully Completed the BrainRx Brain Training Program.
