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So far GEM marketing has created 75 blog entries.

Is adult ADHD real?

Is adult ADHD real? Sings of attention-deficit/hyperactivity in adults   When we hear ADHD, we usually picture daydreaming kids, worsening school grades and missing homework. But is there adult ADHD? The answer is: yes! Adult ADHD can have different symptoms than ADHD in children. Adult ADHD is undiagnosed ADHD. The disorder is caused by problems

ADHD and Mathematical Problems

The True Success Story of Fanni Fanni has been diagnosed with learning disability in her pre-school year. In the first grade she got a medical code for dyscalculia. Both primary school and high-school have been a constant nightmare for her: she has been studying and studying all the time, yet her grades did not indicate

A True Story of Bence

A True Story of Bence According to statistics the prevalence of high functioning autism is growing in our society. However, comorbid learning disability and skills for managing social relationships can be greatly and permanently improved, thanks to BrainRx! These facts reveal themselves in the true story of Bence. Bence was 12 when his parents asked

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