Project Description

The True Success Story of Fanni

Fanni has been diagnosed with learning disability in her pre-school year. In the first grade she got a medical code for dyscalculia. Both primary school and high-school have been a constant nightmare for her: she has been studying and studying all the time, yet her grades did not indicate her huge efforts. Due to this fact her self-esteem and her outlook to her future life have been rather negative and scaring. When coming to our Gem Center at the age of 18, it became obvious that all her core cognitive skills that govern learning and thinking have been much below average. So her dream to get a university degree seemed to be unrealistic…

However, after four weeks in the program his parents and teachers reported about rather strong changes in her life. Her parents told us that their daughter was much calmer and more organized. Her teachers sent to the family school-reports about outbreaking concentration abilities and text-comprehension skills. We quote one of her teachers’ report: „Fanni has started to see connections between things and construct real knowledge. She is able to draw conclusions and find cause-and-effect relationships! Vow! She started to differentiate between relevant and unrelevant information and able to use technical words and concepts so well!” In her post-Gibson-test the change in numbers have been really impressive: Fanni gained 20 IQ scores and all her 7 core cognitive skills have grown to above average! She has passed her language exams and these changes paved the way to university!

Fanni summarized her experiences with BrainRx the following way:

„Since my young childhood I felt I had difficulties with concentration and learning…Numbers and mathematical operations have been a real disaster to me! To be very honest, I always felt myself as and outsider among my peers… I was extremely tired, burned-out and had zero self-esteem because of the constant failures in school and friendships. My father had the idea to seek help at Gem to see what BrainRx can help to me… I immediately felt in my heart, this will be my „way-out” so we started the program right after the Gibson-test. I knew I will have to make efforts, but I did not mind it. Already in my first session I fell in love with the BrainRx program and I adored my trainer! After the first few weeks I found my place in learning and I have to put in less energy! It is such a wonderful feeling that at the grocery now I dare to pay with small coins and I can count, substract and add with every banknotes in my purse! I am much calmer and well organized. I am very grateful to the whole Gem staff! I will miss you all tremendously!”